
As Clark County’s primary public health agency, the Southern Nevada Health District stood at the forefront of our local fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Within the first year, before the introduction of vaccines, we had three major ways to combat the virus: wearing masks around others, social distancing, and maintaining good hand hygiene. To send this message to our community, I devised the “Mask up. Back up. Wash up.” campaign, which we rolled out across the Las Vegas Valley on buses, at bus shelters, on digital billboards, through a 6×12 postal mailer, on printed fabric masks, in newspaper ads and more.

The Southern Nevada Community Health Center’s Family Planning Clinic wanted to reach more young adults of childbearing age who may wish to plan and space their pregnancies. With an $80,000 budget, I created a campaign with the slogan “Plan Your Chickens Before They Hatch,” a variation on a well-known phrase. I targeted potential patients from the clinic’s most frequently served ZIP codes through displays within two local malls, on sanitizer kiosks in several neighborhood pharmacies and grocery stores, on bus shelters in those areas of town, on digital billboards and through social media. The campaign was evenly split between English and Spanish variations.